CHB – Loan Procedures Changes #1
Effective today, CHB will use a questionnaire to replace the phone interview on Trailer Only deals up to $35,000.
For Trailer deals, we have a True Application Only program up to $75,000.
This includes – All Flatbeds, Refrigerated, Dry Vans, RPG/Heavy Hauls (all pieces), Cattle Pots, Specialty, Tankers, and Drop Decks.
Banks are NOT required – Application and Invoice Only on Trailer deals under $75,000
CHB – Loan Procedures Changes #2
Car Trailers – In light of CHB’s continued negative experience with car haul trailers, we will no longer be funding any Car Hauling Trailers or Trucks, whose sole purpose is to haul cars.
This includes – All wedge trailers, both single and double deck – 3, 4, 5, 6 car, integrated 7, 8, and 9 car trailers and integrated car hauler trucks.
We understand that this will have an adverse effect on our broker associates and the car hauling business, but we are unable to justify the repossessions, write offs, late pays and overall poor portfolio performance associated with this type of collateral.
We wish to limit the negative action taken with your clients, therefore we believe that this change is needed.
However – we will still loan on Flatbeds, Goose Necks, and Cargo type flatbed and covered trailers. ($15,000 or more)
In addition to Roll Backs and Wrecker trucks. (all sizes)
Application only with 0% down (w.a.c.) on New and Used trailers.
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