Small business trucking companies/owner operators who own 3 trucks or less can be considered the largest trucking company in the world. Combined, there are more independent truckers on the road today than at any other time in history. Keeping the independent trucker on the road is vital to making sure that the goods get delivered that drive the USA. 

Owner/Operator – The Independent Trucker can come to CHB to get the financing they need to get that next truck, trailer, or upgrade for their business. 

CHB understands the commitment it takes to grow the small company. Turning that 1 truck into a 2 truck operation is one of the hardest feets to accomplish in the trucking industry. CHB understands this and is ready to make the transition as easy as possible. We look at the story behind the credit and dig into the deal to find a reason to “approve the deal”.

We are committed to the small trucking companies that want to grow. We have the resources to overcome the challenges that come with financing the independent trucks. We are more than willing to look at and fund these businesses. 

  • All loans will stay with CHB for the entire life of the loan
  • When you call CHB – you will talk to a live Wyoming person who will help
  • All broker fees are paid at funding

For more information – give Kit a call: 307.241.7005

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