I joined CHB as an equipment lender last November and have found it to be an outstanding opportunity and loaded with great people. The folks at CHB have been so helpful and professional in all phases of my learning and employment. My experiences as a former school administrator and my years in the automotive industry and finance, have provided me with a number of base-line experiences which have helped prepare me for this new endeavor. CHB systems and methods of servicing our clients, is second to none; very organized and very customer based philosophies. The most enjoyable part of my job, is speaking directly with the consumer regarding their equipment needs, their plans for their business, and helping them accomplish their goals.
For fun, I have been providing a youth program called “Drag To Learn…? Life Skills through Race Skills” since 2006. None of which would have been possible without the support of Platte Valley Bank, Drag To Learn racers, and local and national businesses over the years! Drag To Learn…? uses drag racing as a vehicle to create interest, while showing the importance of the development of successful employment and life skills; it is not about racing, it is about life! One of the sections of the program is called “COASY for Work”: Come to work to work; Organized plan and goals; Attitude; Service to others; You represent your employer 24/7. The program includes classroom instruction/demonstrations, and for some of the participants, the excitement of racing at the drag strip. In addition, we have a website, www.dragtolearn.com and Facebook page “Drag To Learn?” sharing our history, photos, videos, events and student programs.
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